Monday, 30 March 2009

1947 Chevrolet Fleetline Aerosedan

"Today — more than ever before — Chevrolet alone brings you Big-Car quality at lowest cost!"

Chevrolet's advertisers didn't even exaggerate when they talked about "Big-Car quality": this massive Chevrolet Aerosedan is truly a big car when you stand next to it. Introduced already in 1942, Chevrolet's lineup had to "survive" until the new post-war models could hit the streets in 1949. Until then, Chevrolet tried to keep the customers happy with an annual "restyling", which was limited mainly to the front-grille and interior colors.

Anyway, styling wasn't the strongest selling-point yet. Even the advertising didn't focus on styling, but on other arguments: "One ride in this beautiful new Chevrolet will convince you that its road-action matches its appearance. There's solid worth in every part. It's designed, engineered and built to give Big-Car performance, Big-Car comfort, BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, over a long period of years!" Well, this claim is certainly true here in Cuba...

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